My Favorite :3


Items: Red Chalk brd, cleopatra shoes, (i think) earthy top, (i think) earthy hair LOLOL, and pretty ribbon :3

omg i feel embarrassed, HOW COULD I NOT KNOW THE ITEMS WHEN THEY’RE MINE *cries*

New Edits.

Here are some new edits-

innocent12-Credits to Sensei Andy for the brush, and Kaitlenxlove for the shirt and the shorts. :3 I recolored everything else 🙂

innocent11-Credits to Fantage, Fantage Spy, and again I recolored everything else. :3

I was too lazy to put on shoes hehe :3

Cloud’s blog- FOLLOW HER BLOG

~Selena ^~^

Happy New Year!

I am super sorry that I have been inactive….. sorry. Happy New Year guys! Hope you have a great year! ❤ I have no New Year resolutions, lol, I’m just gonna be more active this year, sorry! I hope that you had a great Christmas! I have no more stuff to put in this post sooo……… bye!
